Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We're here! (And it's about damn time)

You, dear reader, are lucky we’re even writing this.

Last week, our tense negotiations to become uber-famous screenwriters in L.A. flopped. (Cheapskates. All we wanted was a couple million each and two new MacBook Airs).

Sara nearly wrecked the rental car in Denver (she thought she saw a cute ski bum crossing the interstate), I hit on a “girl” who ultimately turned out to be a cross-dressing Heidi Klum look-alike (the Adam’s apple should’ve been a dead giveaway — damn), and cops pulled us over for driving through a farm rich with the aroma of freshly made cow pies.

None of this is true, but it makes a great story. And that’s what Cable Boxing will be about: Great stories. On television.

Each week in LEO's pulp edition, we’ll tell you about the shows that make us laugh, cry, shirk house chores and recoil in terror. If you should want to read more of our blathering about the high definition device that wastes our time, that's what this here blog is for.

But we can't be everywhere at once, soooo, if there's a show we need to check out, don't bottle it up inside, suppressing it under your nerves and causing a vicious ulcer. Spill it! Find us at leo@leoweekly.com.

Why? Because we like to watch. —MH

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